Never Again. You’ve all heard it. Jews and their allies have been chanting that mantra since the end of the Holocaust. For 78 years it held true. It has not been easy, as the armies of Israel’s Arab neighbors viciously attacked in 1948, 1967, and 1973. Their goal in each of those attacks was not just to win a war, but to completely annihilate, murder, and remove every last Jew from the land. And it hasn’t just been those particular attacks by armies of established Arab states. There has been a non-stop war of terror against Israel and all Jews worldwide. 11 Israeli Olympic athletes kidnapped and murdered at the 1972 Munich Olympics, as the whole world watched the horror play out on TV. 85 Jews killed in the bombing of the AMIA building in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Recent deadly attacks in America including at a synagogue in Pittsburg where 11 were killed. Countless other well-reported deadly bombings and shootings. Literally thousands of Jews have been killed in bombings, shootings, stabbings, car rammings, and other attacks by radical Islamic fundamentalists hell-bent on killing all Jews. Now we have seen this taken to the extreme in the recent terrorist attacks by Hamas in Israel. All along the way, the entire Muslim world, with just a small minority being excepted, has either encouraged this war on Jews or been silent in opposing it. Most of the Muslim world has openly supported this Jew-hatred. Few have stood up to call it out as being wrong, as being evil. Their silence is deafening. As is the silence of those others who refuse to call out the Muslim world for this non-stop Jew-hatred that has come to be the core of their universe. It is time to change the slogan from Never Again to No More. No! More!  

No More:

  1. Living in a world where blind hatred of Jews is automatically acceptable, and Jews are used as a scapegoat for the failings of others. No More!
  2. Accepting the United Nations as a legitimate organization when in 2022 the UN General Assembly passed a total of 28 resolutions, yet 15 of them (more than half!) condemned Israel, with only 13 condemning all of the other countries of the world combined. And that is business as usual for the UN! In 2020 the tally was 23 total resolutions, with 17 against Israel and 6 against the rest of the entire world! Since 2015 the UN has issued 208 resolutions to all the countries of the world combined, yet 140 of those were sanctioning Israel! Just think about that. Were you aware of that? Where is the outrage?! How can this be? Russia, China, North Korea, countries like Uzbekistan and Eritrea, they have horrible human rights situations going on, yet silence from the UN as the UN only focuses on Israel! No More!
  3. Accepting the UN Human Rights Council’s (UNHRC) Standing Agenda Item 7. There is literally a permanent agenda item on every meeting of the UNHRC to discuss Israel. It is the ONLY country in the world singled out in such a way. At every meeting of the UNHRC, the members use the time allocated to this agenda item to slam Israel and accuse it of being the most horrible country in the world. They are usually deflecting from their own atrocities. In the process they are making a mockery of humanity. Several of the members of the UNHRC are the worst abusers of human rights in the world, including China, who has imprisoned and persecuted over 1 million Muslim Uyghurs in “detention centers” in China. Meanwhile, the Muslim world remains silent on the plight of the Uyghurs in China, completely ignoring this unspeakable atrocity being committed right now against their fellow Muslims! All the while, focusing the entirety of their anger and rage on tiny Israel. No More!
  4. Allowing the UN Relief Works Agency (UNRWA), an organization tasked with supposedly helping Palestinians, to be staffed and led by well-known open Jew-haters. And to have Western countries continue to fund the UNRWA even when they are fully aware that the textbooks being supplied to Palestinian children are filled with open Jew-hatred, and the teachers being hired are also openly teaching Jew-hatred. No More!
  5. Holding Israel responsible for the suffering of Palestinians. The Palestinians have formally rejected peace and their own state at least 5 times, and informally countless times. As Israeli diplomat Abba Eban said 50 years ago and still rings true today: “The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity!”. When Bill Clinton was President, Israel had offered between 93% and 97% of the land that the Palestinians seemingly demanded, and much to Clinton’s anger and dismay, Yasser Arafat still turned it down! In Clinton’s own words: “Arafat was here (Camp David) 14 days and said no to everything.” This moment, and so many others, stands as proof that Israel simply doesn’t have a partner to make peace with, a claim the Israelis have been repeating forever. If the Palestinians truly sought peace, it could happen immediately. Instead, they themselves have chosen to remain in a perpetual state of faux-refugee status. They hope that if they bring enough suffering upon themselves that the sympathy of the world, coupled with the world’s propensity towards simply hating Jews, will bring them some sort of victory. No group in the world has multiple generations of refugees. In fact, by definition it is not even possible. They have been given billions of dollars by the world and instead of using that money to build a society and infrastructure they have squandered it on turning Gaza into a death trap fortress. They have allowed their leaders to become billionaires, living a high-life outside of Gaza and the West Bank in countries like Qatar, with mansions and luxuries, while the average Palestinian suffers. All with the hope of showing the squalor that the population is then forced to live in to the outside world with the hope of drawing sympathy that can then direct the blame towards Jews and Israel. No More! 
  6. Allowing the lies of just who belongs in the land of Israel to begin with. There is only one indigenous people in the land of Israel, and that is the Jews. There is a long historical record, both written and oral, as well as archaeological evidence, all of which cannot in any circumstance be denied, that proves without any doubt that Jews have inhabited Israel continuously for thousands of years. To refute that fact is to simply re-write history, and to ignore actual, hard evidence. Yet the people we call Palestinians today have no historical record of being on the land. They cannot point to any historical record whatsoever, be it written, oral, or archaeological. They have no historical literature, no poems, no songs, no prayers that tie them to the land. They have no historical leaders or flags or coins to tie them to the land. It cannot be allowed that Israelis and Jews are accused of being colonialists or of taking land from anyone when it is hard fact that the land has been Jewish for millennia. The people now called Palestinians are a modern invention, made up of clans from Egypt, Jordan, Arabia, and other parts of the Middle East, many who had been displaced from Muslim countries. Tellingly, since the formation of the modern State of Israel, not one Muslim or Arab country has agreed to take in a single Palestinian! Why is that?!?! Even right now in the midst of this crisis, Egypt, which shares a border with Gaza, continues to keep that border closed which it has done for decades. It won’t even allow humanitarian aid in to Gaza. And this week, King Abdullah of Jordan made a speech where he clearly and openly reconfirmed with a strong voice that his country, Jordan, will not take one single Palestinian into Jordan! Why?! Why is it that not a single Muslim country will take in a single person from Gaza or the West Bank, and the world says nothing about it. No member of the press challenged King Abdullah as he repeated Jordan’s position. Almost no member of the press has challenged Egypt for keeping its border with Gaza closed for decades, including now. Yet, Israel gets blamed for all of the Palestinian suffering. No Jew wants to see the people in Gaza and the West Bank suffer, but it is entirely self-determined. Israel cannot be blamed any longer for the position that Palestinians and the Arab and Muslim world finds itself in. No More! 
  7. Ignoring what is going on in our schools, from elementary schools up through colleges and universities. The general public is seeing in the last 2 weeks what many have been screaming about for years: that schools have become literal indoctrination centers for radical Left-wing Jew-haters. They divide all people into two groups, the poor helpless victims (who are usually anything but), membership in this group requiring that the person be Black or Brown or LGBTQ+ almost exclusively. And a second group, the oppressors, which almost always means White people. Jews are conveniently considered White in this context. Never mind the long history of actual White supremacists attacking Jews for not being White! You will hear Jews accused by the Left of being White colonialist oppressors. It is the great lie of intersectionalism, where this radical Left-wing cabal tries to equate the struggles of all of these so-called oppressed minorities against whoever they don’t like. This is how you end up with groups like LGBTQ+ members supporting Hamas and Iran, even though Hamas and Iran has literally thrown LGBTQ+ people off of the roofs of buildings to their death because they have no tolerance for them, other than to use them as useful idiots willing to protest in the streets of America. All the while, faculty and administration at these schools turn a blind eye to this open Jew-hatred, often in the name of freedom of speech. Speech that would never be tolerated if it was directed at any of these same Left-wing groups. At the same time, they cancel conservative speakers on campus because the radical Left hate groups come out to protest violently and then the school says they can’t ensure campus safety. So instead of kicking the students out who show up at meetings and lectures to taunt, intimidate, and confront anyone with a view other than their own radical view, the administrations ban the speaker! Um, what about that freedom of speech thing? Then there is Ethnic Studies and Critical Race Theory (CRT). These radical curriculums take the same intersectional path, blaming Israel and America and White people for the plight of marginalized people of color, teaching our students that everything is about race and the horrible treatment of Palestinians by Israel. That White people are bad. That young Black people can’t succeed on their own without government help in favoring them and slanting the playing field towards them. It is an insult and demeaning to Black and Brown youth! Included in these programs is a substantial focus on Israel, for some reason. Why on earth is Israel a focus of middle school and high school curriculum in America? Why would American schools be teaching to demonize Israel, and praise Palestinians, all at the expense of valuable class time while our students fall behind the rest of the world in Math, Science, and every other learning category. No More!
  8. Accepting the media’s constant distortions, for years and years, of events in Israel. Over and over, headlines in major outlets like the NY Times, CNN, the BBC, Washington Post, and so many others, distort and twist the news in favor of the Palestinians. When a Palestinian terrorist attacks Jews and is neutralized, the headline almost always reads something like “Israeli soldiers kill Palestinian”! Never mind that the terrorist was attacking Jews and he was killed in self-defense and the headline should have read “Palestinian terrorist attacks Jews”. Pro-Jewish media outlets and social media outlets have taken to posting these outrageous distortions, then red-lining them and correcting them. Then they’ll make the comment: “Here, we corrected it for you”, and they’ll use the proper wording. Organizations like CAMERA are dedicated to confronting all of the misrepresentations in the media, but it’s an impossible and overwhelming task. And even when they do, on rare occasions, elicit a retraction or correction, it is so long after the headline or story ran that the damage has already been done, and the correction is buried in an obscure part of the outlet. These outlets have been admonished for years for doing this. They are completely aware of what they’re doing, yet they refuse to stop. Based on their daily coverage of Israel which can only be described as one-sided attacking of Israel while making excuses for Palestinians, no one should be surprised by this reporting. It must change! Viewers/readers need to send emails and speak out in the comments section of the article or video every time they see this nonsense. No More!
  9. Being of the mind-set that all antisemitism in America and the West comes from the Far-Right. It is clear that the vast majority of Jew-hatred comes from the Left. This cannot be denied any longer. The main stream media is almost entirely controlled by the Left and they have ignored this issue, and only now when they are being confronted with it are they even willing to acknowledge that Jew-hatred exists on the Left. And they still won’t come to grips that it is far more prevalent and rampant on the Left than the Right. And for those who identify as liberal, progressive, and/or Left-wing, and automatically vote for candidates of the Democrat party, who are reading this right now and suffering the cognitive dissonance that you can no longer deny or avoid or sweep away what your conservative, Right-wing, Republican friends have been trying to tell you for years because you are seeing it starkly for yourself on college campuses and city streets across America play out on TV, the message for you is clear: No More! It is time to fight this hatred head on, to take back the Democrat party, to get rid of the intersectionalism that does not intersect with or include you as a Jew! No More!
  10. Allowing only Israel to be singled out. It’s not just at the United Nations. It’s in the Jew-hatred that focuses only on Israel and chooses to ignore all of the actual atrocities and abuses going on around the world. Go ahead, ask any of the pro-Palestinian protesters. Ask the Palestinian supporters on any college campus. Ask them if they have ever rallied for any other cause? If they spend any of their time and energy fighting for anything else? Do they equally care about the abuses of China against its own people, repressing freedom of speech, press, religion? Do they care about China’s treatment of the Muslim Uyghurs? Or of China’s violent clampdown on freedom and human rights in Hong Kong and its threatening of Taiwan and other neighbors? Do they care about the people of North Korea and the horrible conditions that the dictator there keeps his people under? Do they care about the repressive dictatorial regimes in Cuba and Venezuela? Do they care about the bloody rampage through Africa of the Muslim terrorist group Boko Haram? Do they care about the murderous regime in Uzbekistan? Or the horrible situation in Eritrea, a country that is widely reported to have just about the worst human rights record of any country in the world? Have they even heard of Eritrea? Do they care about any of the other countless horrendous situations going on right now in the world, or is it that the only thing they care about is Israel? If that’s the case, if someone is willing to consciously choose to ignore every other issue in the world, but is all-in on attacking Israel, then it is clear what their motivation is. It is pure Jew-hatred! And they need to be called out on this every time they voice their absurd and invalid attacks on Israel. They can no longer be allowed to get away with acting as if they are just a concerned and caring person, when they show no concern or care for the actual issues of the world. No More!
  11. Accepting the false accusation of Israel being an apartheid state. It is absurd! It is an insult to the legacy of Nelson Mandela, and it is an insult to all who suffered through the horror of actual apartheid in South Africa. There are approximately 2 million Arabs living in Israel, meaning that Arab-Israelis constitute roughly 20% of Israel’s population. They have every single right that any other Israeli has, regardless of religion or any other identifying background marker. They serve and work in every capacity. Professors, lawyers, judges (including a Muslim Arab-Israeli currently sitting on Israel’s Supreme Court, where other Arab-Israelis had also previously served), doctors, high-ranking military officers, and every other position in society! Almost all of them will be the first to tell you that they enjoy rights in Israel that they would not have in essentially any of the 50+ Muslim countries of the world. As for the accusation that Arabs living in Gaza and the West Bank live under apartheid, that is utter nonsense as well. For starters, they have borders with both Egypt (Gaza) and Jordan (West Bank) and as mentioned above neither country will allow a single Palestinian in. Yet Israel allows thousands and thousands of Palestinians to enter Israel daily on work permits. Horrifyingly, this week it was found that the detailed plans that Hamas used to carry out the attacks were drawn up by the very Palestinians using these work permits who then diagrammed kibbutzes and towns. The plans were detailed down to buildings, access points, security setups, families, etc. Until the Israeli full withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 the Palestinians were freely moving in and out of Israel. When Israel withdrew from Gaza and Hamas took over, Israel defended its border as every country in the world would do. As we have now seen, that defense should have been even stronger. And let’s not forget the points made above: all of this could have been avoided if the Palestinians simply accepted peace! All of their suffering is brought on themselves! Israel cannot be accused of being an apartheid state because simple-minded people completely ignorant of the reality on the ground in Israel hear that triggering word “apartheid” and instantly take the Palestinian’s side. This lie must be debunked loudly and clearly. No More!
  12. Accepting the false accusation that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians. The Palestinian population has grown by nine times since 1948 when the current State of Israel was founded. It has quadrupled since 1967 alone! If that is genocide, then Israel is terrible at it! Israel never attacks Palestinians unless there has been an attack on Israel first. Even then, it is well-documented that Israel takes extreme measures to protect Palestinian civilians that no other country on earth would even consider taking. Literally calling people in buildings that will be bombed to warn them ahead of time to evacuate, dropping leaflets warning them ahead of time, dropping harmless “dummy bombs” on the roofs of building that give a warning thump to those inside, and then using the most high-tech precision guided missiles and bombs to only take out the intended target. Meanwhile, Hamas and other Muslim terror groups try to do everything they can to have as many of their people killed by Israel so they can parade their dead and the inflated death totals to the media. It is a fact that they use innocent Palestinians as human shields. They use mosques, schools, and hospitals to hide their weapons and fire their rockets at civilian Israeli targets. The world acknowledges this yet says and does nothing about it! Other than castigating Israel! And genocide? Not only is genocide of the Jews written loudly and clearly in the Hamas founding charter, it is screamed for at every rally! The ubiquitous phrase “From the River to the Sea” means remove all Jews from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. Kill them, murder them, annihilate them in any way, shape, or form. Just ethnically cleanse them from the land. That is genocide! And the world says nothing. No More!
  13. Ignoring the role of Jews in the Civil Rights movement. Throughout the fight for civil rights in America for African-Americans, Jews were on the front lines, shoulder to shoulder with the Black community. When the activists marched in Selma, Rabbi Abraham Heschel was front and center, locked arms with his close friend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. You can see it in a famous picture from that day. Many other Jews were there as well, just as many Jews were at so many of the protest marches. Yet in 2014 when the film “Selma” came out, those looking for a re-enactment of the famous photo with King and Heschel and others were surprised to find Heschel written out of the story! When asked about this rewriting of history, the creator behind the film brushed it off, seemingly more annoyed by the question than with having to respond to it fully. Countless other Jews fought for civil rights as well. In the infamous “Mississippi Burning” murders of 3 young civil rights activists that played such a large role in gaining support for the movement, how quickly we forget that 2 of the 3 people murdered were young Jews. The list goes on and on, but who is teaching that today to young African-Americans who are only taught that they share an intersectional struggle with Palestinians, and that Jews have been killing their Palestinian brothers and sisters. Never a mention of those difficult days of Jewish and Black unity during the fight for civil rights. Maybe if young people, and particularly young African-Americans were taught about the love that Dr. King had for Israel, and the reasons why Dr. King loved and supported Israel the way that he did, when the Jew-hating educators come along with their anti-Israel teachings perhaps some of these young African-Americans joining the pro-Palestinian rallies going on now would think twice. Maybe they would question more. Maybe they would question those pushing intersectionalism on them, and ask themselves “but why then did Dr. King and so many other prominent African-Americans support Israel”? Thankfully, in his emotional speech supporting Israel at the plaza near the United Nations in NYC days after the Hamas attacks, NYC Mayor Eric Adams, a proud African-American, didn’t hesitate to remind the crowd that he remembered clearly that Jews stood by his community at great risk to themselves, and he has and is standing by the Jewish community now. This shared history cannot continue to be erased from schools, from textbooks, from popular culture, so that the Jew-haters can recruit young African-Americans into their numbers. No More!
  14. Tolerating the massive and disproportionate number of hate crimes committed against Jews in America. For years now, the FBI has released figures that show almost 60% of hate crimes are committed against Jews! Yet Jews only comprise about 2% of the American population. If a study or experiment of any type was being carried out, and there were 100 subjects in the study, and an event was then conducted 100 times, and that event was found to only hit 2 of the 100 people about 60 times, and hit the other 98 people only about 40 times combined, the experiment would be stopped immediately and the researchers conducting the experiment or study would be screaming the results at the top of their lungs! If any other group in America was attacked at this rate the entire country would be in an uproar and drastic actions would be taken. Instead, since it’s “just Jews” being attacked, there is almost complete silence. No More!
  15. Granting a free pass to members of The Squad and other open Jew-hating members of Congress and other politicians. Why have Squad members (Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Cori Bush, Jamaal Bowman, Greg Casar, and Summer Lee) not been called out more strongly? Their fellow Democrats have essentially ignored them, seemingly discounting them or wishing them away. They aren’t going away that easily. Then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi ignored them and still does. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who is Jewish, has ignored them. They have all refused for years to call out and directly and strongly confront The Squad in any meaningful way, as has the rest of the Democrat party! They have acted like cowards, fearful of alienating the young Far-Left base of radicals taking over their party that we now see on college campuses from CUNY to Harvard supporting the Palestinians and shouting for the elimination of Israel! The same silence has applied to the absence of confronting supporters of The Squad, people in media and social media like Shaun King and Marc Lamont Hill. Their words are often similar to Farrakhan’s words, yet no one on the Left calls them out. Only this week, in the wake of the Hamas attacks, has Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (a Democrat who is Jewish) gotten into a public feud with Tlaib over Tlaib’s disgusting speeches supporting Hamas. Why did it take so long?! People on the Right have been screaming this to their friends on the Left for years, that there is a problem with these politicians. That it can’t be ignored or minimized. But those pleas went unheeded. There was a refusal to see and acknowledge the horrible reality of Jew-hatred coming from the Left that has now been laid so bare in these last painful 2 weeks that no one can ignore it any longer. No More!

The status quo was forever ended when Hamas attacked and slaughtered over 1400 Israelis and took over 200 more as hostages. Their drug-induced barbarity (you can Google for yourself about the drug “captagon”), raping, stabbing, shooting every Jew in sight, burning them, mutilating them, young and old, man and woman, babies included, has changed everything in this conflict. Where in the past Jews and Israelis chanted “Never Again”, the worst has somehow happened again, anyway. Complacency, a sense of accomplishment, a false sense of security and acceptance in the world. All of those factors and feelings have now been thrown out the window. All of the inconvenient issues raised above that would get ignored and swept under the rug have led us to this horrible position we find ourselves in now. It cannot continue the way it has. It will not continue the way it has. Jews and Israelis will not accept the previous status quo any longer when this attack is the end result. No More! … No! More!

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